Asking the right question equals half of the right answer if not more. So, it’s important when you are looking for a product or service or solution to ask the right question that addresses accurately the right needs or interest or problems we want to deal with. And one of the best approaches in asking questions is to use the 5W questions (what, why, who, when, where) and how.
It depends on
- For which kind of animals, milking cows needs a different quality of alfalfa (higher quality) compared to camels or sheep and goats
- What is the production level for these animals (milk production Liter/day for milking cows, based on levels of milk production we may classify alfalfa in at least 4 categories of quality) or (daily gaining weight Kg/day for fattening animal.
- Others factors as well can be considered like age of the animals or weight of the animal
- What is the cost of
feeding (cost of feeding per 1 liter of milk production, for example and
what is the selling price per 1 liter of milk)
It depends on:
- What other options or substitutions are available
- What is the cost of other substitutions
- What is the nutritive value and palatability of the available substitutions
- What is the influence on production quantity, cost and quality
It depends on
- Which supplier has the highest quality standards I can rely on
- Which supplier can provide a trusty analysis for samples taken professionally to represent accurately the production (physically and chemically)
- which supplier can supply constant quality for the whole quantities and all through the supply contract
- which supplier provides the right quality for the value I will pay, and will give the expected production or results
- who can do quality inspection as trusty third party for me
It depends on
- What is current stock you have
- What is daily consumption
- What is confirmation order leading time you need
- What is the transit time needed from origin (suppliers stores to your stores)
- What is the production cycle of alfalfa in the markets (availability of product and quality based on production seasonality and demand cycles and market trends)
- What is your store’s capacity and stock rotation and cash flow management
- Other factors as well can be considered
It depends on
- What is the moisture level
- For how long it will be stored
- What are the weather conditions and their influence on the alfalfa quality
- Safety procedures must be available to avoid (prevent) or reduce and dealing with fires in case they happen.
- and many other factors
It depends on
- having the right feeding ration formulated by an expert
- using the right feeding machine (TMR machine) giving the right fiber length, moisture level, uniformity of distribution and other factors
- and other factors
The above question and the way to answer it, is applicable for many other repeated questions. in Green Forages Trading, you can trust us as your partners to find the right answers for your business questions, where we will help you to have an integrated solution best fit for your business requirements.